Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 22, 2011: (Anthony) "Hopefully Daddy will have his eyes open in the morning." (Me) "Why?" (Anthony) "..because when he turns on the Playstation he's always sleep walking. He always walks from the bed to the Playstation with his eyes closed. I read in my book that that means he's sleep walking."

May 22, 2011: (Anthony) "Will Daddy still have a job when he's 42?" (Me) "Yup!" (Anthony) "Oh well maybe he could help me build a house." (Me) "Well, how old will you be when Daddy's 42?" (Anthony) "24" (Me) "How do you know that?" (Anthony) "...because I'm smart?!" 

May 2, 2011:  (Anthony) "Yeah and you need to start buying me 5 Hour Energy because I'm tired at recess every day!"

April 20, 2011: (Anthony) "Tomorrow I'm going to sit around all day and do nothing but blink."

March 28, 2011: (Me) "keep trying" (Anthony) " NOOOOOOO!!!!" (Me) "Are you going to yell like a maniac at baseball if someone says that?" (Anthony) "No, because then YOU'LL yell like a maniac!"

March 26, 2011: (Me) "How many times do I have to say the same thing?!" (Anthony, without missing a beat) "eleven"

December 24, 2010: (Anthony) "Well if you put vanilla into water that makes milk."

December 3, 2010: (Anthony) "Everything I hear from you is annoying! You're always telling me I have to do stuff!"

November 2, 2010: (Anthony) "I'm done doing this! I need some time off from doing stuff all the time! This is annoying me!"

October 27, 2010: Anthony asked me a question and I said, "It's none of your business," he said, "I don't even have a business."

September 14, 2010: (Anthony) "Mommy, you missed EVERYTHING today! ...but I don't want to talk about it!"

August 10, 2010: (Anthony) "Remember Mommy, those groceries don't shop themselves!"

August 5, 2010: Anthony says "chappanino" for frappuccino

July 7, 2010: Anthony said to Heather "Manuel is in HIS house so he can do whatever he wants to do!" (little Manuel).

May 11, 2010: Anthony keeps saying "How funky is your chicken? How loose is your goose?!" Natalie thinks it's hilarious!

May 7, 2010: Anthony said he wants to learn about poop...what it is, why it happens..etc.

April 29, 2010: (Anthony) "Hey! What's that man-kid doing mowing the lawn??" (Me) "What's a man-kid?" (Anthony) "It's a kid that looks like a man..but he's really a kid." ...also known as a teenager :)

February 9, 2010: Anthony woke up and looked in the mirror "Mommy, I don't look five..I still look four."

Christmas 2009: Anthony asked for a helicopter that he can fly in.

December 22, 2009: (Anthony) "Can I have a glass of milk?" (Me) "sure" (I go in and grab one of his cups and fill it with milk and hand it to him) (Anthony) "I asked for a glass of milk...that cup is plastic. I didn't ask for a PLASTIC of milk."